Turn Your Dream Into Reality (It’s Time To Believe)
You’ve pictured it a hundred times. The life you want, the business you’re building, the spiritual growth you’re craving—it’s all there, vibrant and alive in your imagination. The vision is exciting, filled with possibilities, and it lights up something deep inside you. But then comes the hard part: to actually turn your dream into reality.
For most of us, dreaming isn’t the challenge. We know what we want, and we can even see it clearly. But somewhere between the spark of inspiration and the moment it comes to life, things get messy. The in-between is where doubt creeps in, where progress feels slow, and where so many give up.

Want to build your internal belief muscles? My 30 Powerful Bible Keys to Unlock Your God-Given Success is designed to be a quick reference guide to remind yourself what God thinks for you.
The Secret to Turn Your Dream Into Reality
Every dream has to go through a process to become real. It’s not magic or luck—it’s about perseverance, intention, and faith. In the coaching relationship, you’ll find any of these cropping up at any time.
Now, let’s start with the basics. If you’re serious about making your dream a reality, you need these six elements in your toolkit:
- Faith – Believing in what’s possible, even when you can’t see it yet.
- Perseverance – The determination to keep going, no matter the obstacles.
- Endurance – Staying in the game for the long haul.
- Problem Solving – Learning to see challenges as opportunities.
- Willingness – Being open to change and growth.
- Relationships – Surrounding yourself with people who lift you up.
Got those? Great. Now let’s dive into the four phases every dream must go through to become reality.
The 4 Phases to Turn Your Dream Into Reality
This is the exciting, “anything-is-possible” phase. Your mind is buzzing with ideas, and your heart is full of hope.
But here’s the catch: at this stage, you don’t know what you don’t know. This is what we call Unconscious Incompetence—you’re unaware of the skills, challenges, and steps ahead of you.
Cheeky Reality Check: Enjoy the buzz, but remember, dreams don’t build themselves.
Ah, the phase nobody wants to talk about. Challenges show up, and you bump into your own limitations. This is when the doubts creep in: “What if I fail? What if I’m not good enough?”
We call this Conscious Incompetence—you’re now painfully aware of all the ways things could go wrong.
Why Most People Quit: This phase feels hard, messy, and uncomfortable. But here’s the thing: this is where growth happens.
Don’t do this alone. A coach or mentor can provide strategy, encouragement, and the occasional nudge to keep you moving forward.
You’ve rolled up your sleeves and started putting in the work. You’re learning, growing, and juggling a lot. Things are moving forward, even if it’s slower than you’d like.
This is Conscious Competence—you’re focused and intentional, developing the skills and habits needed to succeed.
Encouragement: Keep going. Every small step is building the foundation for something amazing.
This is the sweet spot. You’ve mastered the process, and things that once felt impossible now come naturally. You’re confident, equipped, and ready to help others navigate the journey you’ve been on.
We call this Unconscious Competence—you’ve reached a point where you no longer have to think about every step. You’ve arrived, and the joy of achievement is yours.
Warning: This is also where new dreams start brewing. So, enjoy the moment… but get ready for the next cycle!
Keep the Vision Alive
Your dream is worth it.
The vision of what’s possible is what will pull you through the tough phases, just like the scripture says about Jesus:
“For the joy set before Him, He endured the cross” (Hebrews 12:2).
His vision sustained Him through the hardest challenges, and your vision can do the same for you.
Faith, Intention, and Endurance
To turn your dream into reality isn’t easy, but it’s 100% possible. Keep these three things in mind:
- Set Your Intentions – Know what you’re working toward and why.
- Have Faith – Trust in God’s plan, even when the path feels unclear.
- Develop Endurance – Stay committed, no matter how long it takes.
You’ve got everything you need to succeed. And when things feel overwhelming, remember: every great achievement starts with one small step.
Let’s Make It Happen Together
Your dream is closer than you think, and I’d love to help you stay inspired along the way.
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You’re not in this alone—let’s turn your dream into reality.